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Düstere Welten und Abgründiges Gedichte über düstere Welten, dunkle und abgründige Gedanken.

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Alt 14.12.2015, 18:58   #1
männlich Jesterhead971
Dabei seit: 12/2015
Alter: 26
Beiträge: 12

Standard The Same

She is moving
In circles so gray
It is every day the same
Every day the same
She wakes up
With drunken eyes
Nothing will change
Nothing will change
Even if she tries

Leave her there
To lie down and pray
She will never reach a better world
All remains the same
The same
Over and over again

She is surrounded by silence
Encompassed blackness
People with no faces
And no words whisper violence
Eternally she falls
Into exploding excitement
Yet she shall feel no harm
Thanks to tetricyclics

Leave her there
To lie down and pray
She will never reach a better world
All remains the same
The same
Over and over again

Isn't she just an example
For everyone of us
Locked in a golden cage
We oversleep our lives
Read between the lines
The past is yours, the future mine
Read in the silence of her eyes
Aren't we all just living a lie?
Jesterhead971 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für The Same

grauer alltag, lied, melodicmetal

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