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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 02.06.2014, 01:44   #1
männlich Alfonsea
Benutzerbild von Alfonsea
Dabei seit: 10/2013
Ort: München
Alter: 30
Beiträge: 86

Standard Too Far

As the angels cry a flood, it's a rainy day
Standing in the drowning mud, still I wish to stay
Here forever, here with you, two bodies in embrace
Of the shadows of the past, not a single trace
Pressing our lips together, till it starts to hurt
Neither of us able or willing to say a single word
But in a blink this moment finds its ruthless end
Turning, entering the bus, I lose touch of your hand
At the window aside my seat we lay our hands at the glass
And I realize that those millimeters we cannot pass
Are the very distance between you and me I cannot stand
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