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Alt 07.11.2013, 18:55   #1
männlich Alfonsea
Benutzerbild von Alfonsea
Dabei seit: 10/2013
Ort: München
Alter: 30
Beiträge: 86

Standard A Single Shade of Grey

-A Single Shade of Grey-

Walking through a fog of people,
collecting stories fortune writes.
Seeking for the part I'm missing,
waiting that the time will strike,
ending endless, hopeless search.

Reaching for lost times of childhood,
try achieving mental purge.
Time has faded bad and good,
erased every dream and urge,
expectations disappeared,
shades are spreading on my world.
Things, the six year old me feared,
reign as rainbows change to grey.

A cynic and misanthropist,
naive worldview is my prey.
Everytime I close my eyes
to hide myself from my own lies,
I lose a piece of sanity.

All around me vanity,
selfishness and greed.
It appears that that's the only
thing humanity can breed
and all I think about is lonely
wandering with just one creed:
That finding my so long lost soulmate
can save me from this very fate.
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