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Alt 23.02.2021, 01:45   #1
weiblich Antoinette Fourie
Dabei seit: 02/2021
Ort: Zurich
Beiträge: 16

Standard Pushed aside

I believe they've forgotten my number and name
My compassionate smile to comfort their pain
I gave them food and encouraged each heart
A beautiful exchange, we were never apart

My warming fire burnt through the night
My lullabies and council said everything will be alright
Needed, not wanted, my music now too loud
Demands without grace, as I'm mocked by the crowd

A stranger at home, when I'm hungry they say
Your clothing is stained, now please go away
Coated by culture and knowing each rule
They judge my iniquities, laws are so cruel

Loved only then when my colour is white
When my answers are thoughtful and my words are right
I closed all my windows to hide from the storm
It was bitterly cold and my body was torn

Thunder and lightning announced what they fear
I'm not speaking the language they'd like to hear
I heard them talking, each one took a turn
They decided that I had some lessons to learn

All agreed that they acted in love and concern
Prevent that one day in hell I will burn
But faith without love is a river run dry
I flooded their rivers with tears that I cry

Oh morning sun warm the heart of man
So sure that they follow your perfect plan
Pick up the first stone if your love is pure
God is love....of that I'm sure
Antoinette Fourie ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Pushed aside

sanctions black sheep

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