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Alt 19.03.2019, 14:59   #1
weiblich Cosima
Dabei seit: 03/2019
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 48

Standard A queen's lamento

I wrote this poem many years ago, but I think (or hope) it's still up-to-date!

A queen's lamento

Was there ever a queen in history
who suffered from daughters in law like me?

first that stupid silly Di
just thinking of her makes me cry

she did nothing but buy dresses
and finally openly confesses

that she took lovers, out of spite!
a queen to be - was that all right?

and after all is said and done
who fathered Harry, her second son?

is there a cockoo in the royal nest
okay, okay, even Charles thinks it's best

to turn a blind eye to who he might be
and never touch that subject with me...

poor Andrew then made a terrible error
marrying that redheaded terror

Fergie - a royal - fiddle dee dee -
more like a bumpkin - if you ask me -

then Camilla entered the scene
as Charlie's wife, hoping to be Queen!

again I want to ask you one thing:
if ever there was such a queen and king

talking in gardens to plants and flowers
day after day and that for hours?

I have no choice, I must be clever,
survive them both and live forever ...
Cosima ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19.03.2019, 19:26   #2
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

I live in a palace of secondarity
suffering no and suffering yes
and you ask the blacky god bless
even to my last dress..

now it works, no treasure is thine
angela cant fuck the enemy mine
you know a word from history
she becomes you and me

that is the dove in the ideal world
if you find a blacky who hurled
the stone into the present day
when future magic life is gay..
gelberhund ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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