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Alt 30.12.2011, 13:25   #1
weiblich neosildrake
Dabei seit: 12/2011
Ort: Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Alter: 50
Beiträge: 14

Standard So you want to be a Sithlord

Hier das Gegenstück zu "So you want to be a Jedi". War ja klar, dass ich das machen musste, der Balance wegen.
Es ist nicht so lustig oder sarkastisch wie das Gegenstück. Es ist ein bischen dunkler und mit mehr Symbolizismus, aber ich denke immer noch leicht genug zu verstehen.

Well, this is the companion piece to "So you want to be a Jedi". You know, to keep the balance, it simply had to be done.
It is not as "light" nor as sacracstic as it's sibling. It is a bit darker and has more symbolism, but I think eveything is still easily to decipher.
So you want to be a Sithlord

So you want to be a Sithlord,
Force full anger, passion to spill;
Crimson light your judgment be,
Strike your foes with avengers will.

So you want to be a Sithlord,
Solid shadows your armored suit;
Leave the spark at darkness’ bottom,
Nights flower bear seducing fruit.

So you want to be a Sithlord,
No words convey your powers;
Lightning arcs, fills the void,
Standing amongst stardust showers.

So you want to be a Sithlord,
Warning this for all to see;
Despite passion burning bright,
Forever chained emotions be.

So you want to be a Sithlord,
Commanding armies left and right;
Flocks of black birds in your wake,
Cry sustenance through the fight.

So you want to be a Sithlord,
Blood red drops full of pain;
Danger, fleeting joy in fire,
Fears of scarifice remain.

So you want to be a Sithlord,
Glory to pave your path alone;
Wear a crown of gilded tears,
And thousand wisps to build a throne.

So you want to be a Sithlord,
Here the warning can be found;
Shadows useless turn at night,
Free your heart, your soul’s still bound.

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