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Alt 28.12.2010, 20:07   #1
weiblich cramerlord
Dabei seit: 12/2010
Alter: 39
Beiträge: 2

Standard Shrinking the shrink's shrinking thing

Shrinking the shrink's shrinking thing

I saw my shrink this morning
-he told me to ring
my doctor and tell him
that fish goes way better with white wine
than lime

Then I saw my shrink for lunch
and he punched
me in the face and told me
that a big fat green elephant was cracking his teeth out with a baseball bat
just bevore I arrived

- my guess was that he was imagining things

Then I met my shrink for tea
and you see
was pretty out of it,
telling me that if you complete one roundabout you would eventually end up right back were you begun

So I saw my shrink for dinner
I brought pretzels for a gift
And- as I came in
believe it or not
he got
up from his chair and stuttered that he had to rush off as he was the only one to stop the russians from inciting a nuclear war.
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