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Alt 23.11.2021, 21:47   #1
weiblich Shades27
Benutzerbild von Shades27
Dabei seit: 11/2021
Ort: Tirol
Beiträge: 27

Standard I'M SORRY

And I can't make you stay
in this broken place.

I can't feel it
can't see It

Need you to believe it
I wasn't the one you needed

Cause now I know relationships are my enemy
You better stay away from me
That will never be a part of me

Cause if its love you want to get from me don't waste your time
but for an undefined time
I can make you feel most alive

But always remember
I'll never be your wife
Cause my kind of love
can hurt you like a kitchenknife

I don't want to hurt you
I know what you will go threw
But I'll never feel it too

-I'm sorry Boo
Shades27 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 24.11.2021, 04:42   #2
weiblich C.Alvarez
Benutzerbild von C.Alvarez
Dabei seit: 07/2006
Ort: Mauritius, stella clavisque maris indici
Beiträge: 4.889

I don't like the part with the kitchen knife. Good, it rhymes. But "like a kitchen knife"?
A dagger would have been more appropriate.
Otherwise, I found the text comprehensible and interesting.

C.Alvarez ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 24.11.2021, 12:23   #3
weiblich Shades27
Benutzerbild von Shades27
Dabei seit: 11/2021
Ort: Tirol
Beiträge: 27

Good point!
While I was writing I thought of a pain like a stab: simple, sharp, uneven.

Thank you for your contribution!
Shades27 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für I'M SORRY

fear, hurt, love

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