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Rollenspiele und Bühnenstücke Eigene Bühnenstücke, Rollenspiele und Dialoge.

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Alt 09.11.2016, 03:02   #1
männlich Schmuddelkind
Benutzerbild von Schmuddelkind
Dabei seit: 12/2010
Ort: Berlin
Alter: 38
Beiträge: 4.798

Standard Oval Office

Advisor: Mr. President, we need to talk about an uncomfortably technical, but nevertheless very important issue now: the nuclear codes. As you can see, there are several buttons on your desk.
President: Boring!
Advisor: First you have to type in a code consisting of eight digits to get the system started. Tentatively I chose your date of birth, but I will show you later how to change the code.
President (types in code): No, that's fine with me.
Advisor: Then you use these buttons in order to define a target.
President: I choose China.
Advisor: OK - it's OK. The missiles won't go off, unless you push the big red button.
President (pushes the button): That one?
Advisor: Oh Jesus Christ! OK, Mr. President - don't panic!
President: I'm cool.
Advisor: You have one minute to push the button again to take back the order.
President (pushes the button again): I saved the world.
Advisor: Woosh! Yes, you did, Mr. President.
President: That's a funny little thing. Danger on - danger off - danger on - danger off - danger on - oh, I'm in the news!
Anchorman: ....caused irritations after having said in his inauguration speech, quote: "I grabbed Lady Liberty by the p****. I did. It's true. And I'm proud of it, though at best I can give her a six - fat b****! We don't want your tired, your poor, your drug dealers and your rapers."
Advisor: You have to...
President: Totally taken out of context. Sad.
Advisor: You really have to focus now, for god's sake!
President: It's a rigged system, I tell ya.
Advisor: Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!
President: Everyone knows.
Advisor: Mr president!!!
President: That's me!
Advisor: Oh fine, it's too late. The nukes are on their way.
President: Oops. Can you get them back, please?
Advisor: No, Mr. President. Unfortunately I cannot.
President: Oh, then someone should send China an e-mail.
Advisor: You have to call them. You have to tell them it was a mistake and that you are very, very, very sorry.
President: No, I would never do that.
Advisor: But you made a mistake and now you have to apologize, before China declares war on us.
President: You mean, they're that angry? Can't you call them? Tell them it was locker room teasing!
Advisor (dials a number): No, Mr. President. This is up to you.
President (takes the phone): Hello China? Hi, how are you doing, folks? This is America calling. Glad, I got through. I thought it might get difficult because of the missiles... Yeah, the missiles. There are massive nuclear missiles on their way to you. We sent them... Yeah, they'll destroy many of your cities. Millions of people will die. Sad. Listen, if you wanna talk to somebody, I'll be there - but not now; they're showing old episodes of "The Apprentice". Anyway, we should keep in touch. I have to know how you guys built such an amazing wall. It's huge! Nice talking to ya. Bye.
Schmuddelkind ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 09.11.2016, 04:10   #2
männlich fennigpfux
Benutzerbild von fennigpfux
Dabei seit: 10/2016
Ort: auf Reisen
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 304

ich kann nur öttinger-english.
aber für: Schreiben, Lesen, Wandern, Innehalten, Judo
kämpf ich mich schon durch.
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Alt 09.11.2016, 04:24   #3
männlich fennigpfux
Benutzerbild von fennigpfux
Dabei seit: 10/2016
Ort: auf Reisen
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 304

Hillary hätte die besseren Worte, die selben Raketen.
Die selben Ziele?
fennigpfux ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 10.11.2016, 11:52   #4
männlich Schmuddelkind
Benutzerbild von Schmuddelkind
Dabei seit: 12/2010
Ort: Berlin
Alter: 38
Beiträge: 4.798

Hillary in einem solchen Dialog: sie hätte wohl den Berater belehrt.

Na ja, habe den Text ja vor Bekanntgabe des Wahlsiegers geschrieben, weil ich dachte, das sei jetzt die letzte Gelegenheit, sich über Maurer aus NY lustig zu machen. Aber jetzt bekommt das eine viel ernstere Note.
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