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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 13.05.2012, 14:32   #1
männlich Gram
Benutzerbild von Gram
Dabei seit: 02/2010
Ort: Oettingen
Alter: 44
Beiträge: 494

Standard Legal but lethal

It damages your brain,
you know, you can't be sane.
The fucking Alcohol
is shooting through your vein
and poisoning your soul.

There's little left to twist
behind your mask of mist.
The king of all the drugs
can losen tongue and fist.
It never rocks, it sucks!

Feel better than the rest,
the girls that you molest.
You pester everyone,
they'll never be your guest,
they're gone and start to run.

You spread disgusting smell
with every lie you tell.
The pitiful your style,
the fatal is the spell,
you're bound to for a while.

And if you do not stop,
your bubbles gonna pop,
reality appears.
Your life is just a flop,
fulfilled with fears and tears.

Gram ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Legal but lethal

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