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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 14.03.2021, 13:13   #1
männlich KonradS
Dabei seit: 01/2021
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 49

Standard The Quietude of Organs

I suppose this is a sick silence,
This peculiar thickening of the air.
It is the silence of those waiting
To be cut open, and
The stillness of those
Firmly stitched shut.

I take care not to stir the tender muteness
Coloured by polka-dotted surgery gowns
Punctured by the sudden scrape of suitcase wheels
Just two floors down
They are louder than the airy rustling of nurses
Outside my door.

The quietude of organs
Airing their prophecies in quatrains
Like Nostradamus
They squeeze new bodies into existence
A mitosis of minimal means
Moulding stand-ins and extras
Crash test dummies
Stupidly insisting on life.

Why didn't they grow a patient ear?
Or an extra helping hand?
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