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Gefühlte Momente und Emotionen Gedichte über Stimmungen und was euch innerlich bewegt.

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Alt 23.05.2018, 23:54   #1
weiblich meandyouatnight
Dabei seit: 05/2018
Alter: 24
Beiträge: 3

Standard Can I decide?

Can I decide?

There are two selfs of mine
The quiet and the loud
It is a matter of time
For which one to come out
They appear in shape of dark and light
Regularly at day and night
One way to loud to be heard
Way too open to not be hurt
The other calm and slightly sad
Maybe alone but with a voice in its head
I often wish
that times would switch
So you people see
Who else I can be
So my inner peace
As my relief
Replace my insecurities
That every morning brings to me

Can I even decide which self to show
Because the quiet one none of you know
meandyouatnight ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Can I decide?

selbstbild, selbstfindung, wer bin ich

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