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Alt 11.04.2021, 11:30   #1
männlich Modtools
Dabei seit: 04/2021
Ort: Saarbrücken
Alter: 30
Beiträge: 49

Standard The ONE

The first time you meet, you see,
deep watching into your eyes and they glow.
A smile, a greeting. Both shy and nervous at once.
You talk, you learn each other better to know
by having the feeling to know for already for ages.
Getting comfortable, confident and calm again.

First date, second date, third date it just slides into another...
Each date too short. The time drifting away but seeming freezed.
Everytime you meet there is not a sparkling there is a thunderstorm in between.
Shocked of the speed you slow down.
There are the moments you both say at the same time the same even think the same.
There is some connection, normally a mother has to their kid(s).

The Brain, especially if you already got hurt multiple times says:
Think of it, be wise, dont fall in love too early. Resist it will hurt you once again if ...
The Heart beats and says:
Just let it happen, take this gift. If the one there standing is the one you will regret if ...
There are so many thoughts in you. Too many feelings overwhelming, overlapping...
It will simply take time to understand,
time to sort them out.
TIME to forget about the bad.
Time to feel each other and to let someone in your deepest inner.

If you found the one or even think you might have found,
you will know. The ONE will respect you, the one will feel the same.
THE ONE will hold you, the one will love and hate you.
THE ONE will be honest, loyal, openminded, tolerant,..........
Respect your corners and edges. Support you. Going through the good and even the worst times.
THE ONE will be proud to share each moment of being together with THE ONE met.
Because time and love is the biggest gift to give.

MT 2021
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Lesezeichen für The ONE

one; love; time;

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