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Alt 02.10.2019, 20:14   #1
männlich Herveus
Dabei seit: 04/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 13

Standard Boxing Vocabulary

In the ring I’m like Roy Jones Jr. - Can’t be touched.
I’m a Bantamweight delivering body punches and blows below the belt.
Let me illustrate, in the ring I’m the killer who, like deliveroo, who holds competition in a clinch globally, up against me you’re in a pinch.
When the bell rings you’re down for the count, unable to go another round.
I’ll knock out you and you’re glass jaw with a haymaker you’ll have nightmares of me torturing you like saw, you’ll be in the elderly home needing a caretaker, soon to be taken by the undertaker going back to the almighty maker almighty maker.
I’ll finish you off with a powerful move, like Luffy’s Gum-Gum Bazooka, after this you’ll be known as the world's biggest palooka
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Lesezeichen für Boxing Vocabulary

boxing, englisch

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