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Alt 29.03.2016, 11:50   #1
männlich Farquarl
Dabei seit: 04/2014
Beiträge: 111

Standard Olivia

Look at you, now look at me
Still don't think we're meant to be
Together, birds of the same feather
I'm a child of herbal tea
You're what's called a prodigy
A maverick, all around fantastic

Would you please ruin me
A little bit more thoroughly

Oh, Olivia, Oh, my lucky star
Lend me your voice to sing along
Oh, Olivia, tear my heart apart
I wish for you to prove me wrong

During chorus you just froze
Was my song too on the nose
For you, dear, was the massage too clear
You tell me that I look gay
I'm a dustbin protege
But you need someone strong, I'm too weak

Would you please ruin me
A little bit more thoroughly

Oh, Olivia, Oh, my lucky star
Lend me your voice to sing along
Oh, Olivia, tear my world apart
I wish for you to prove me wrong

I know that my hair's a mess, and I look bad in shirts
But I know some guitar chords and I have a way with words
I know I can't fly or lift a car with my bare hands
But I could be your superhero, somehow if you just gave me a chance

Olivia, Oh, my lucky star
Lend me your voice to sing along
Oh, Olivia, tear my world apart
I wish for you to prove me wrong

Would you please ruin me a little bit more thoroughly
Would you pre-emptively just kill me with your sympathy
Would you just hang around and watch me while I'm burning out
And watch me burning out
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