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Alt 11.06.2013, 17:15   #1
männlich FairnessFighter
Benutzerbild von FairnessFighter
Dabei seit: 06/2013
Ort: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Alter: 30
Beiträge: 149

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Day began wonderful, that´s true:
some clouds, although the sky was blue
the first thoughts came up to your mind
when the sun was hiding unkind

Memories from past bring the same old questions:
you wonder who you are
you wonder what you want
you wonder where you´re going

And it seems as if you made it great
but when you´re all alone you´ve to realize:
Everything changed

With the disappointment´s appearing
your mood becomes a stranger feeling
through the fading of your imagination
you turn to some sad creation

Memories from the past bring the same old questions:
you wonder who you are
you wonder what you want
you wonder where you´re going

And it seems as if you made it great
but when you´re all alone you´ve to realize:
Everything changed

finally while lighting and thunder
make the world going under
burst into tears you lie in your bed
there´s too much confusion in your head

Memories from the past bring the same old questions:
you wonder who you are
you wonder what you want
you wonder where you´re going

And it seems as if you made it great
but when you´re all alone you´ve to realize:
Everything changed

And you wonder how to go on
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