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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 04.11.2023, 13:33   #1
männlich JWagner
Benutzerbild von JWagner
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Beiträge: 221

Standard One Week

Monday - Day of the Moon

The moon receives the sun's bright light
The child is fed with love, delight
So start this week with calm and trust
Sometimes you can, sometimes you must

Tuesday - Day of TYR/MARS

Maybe you have to fight and struggle
So improvise, approach and juggle!
You must prove yourself without doubt
With fire and honor, strong and stout

Wednesday - Day of WODAN/MERCURY

In the middle, find some rest
Keep calm and let your mind be blessed
Messages are sent, you have to hear
Wisdom now becomes your sphere

Thursday - Day of THOR/JUPITER

A day of courage and of strength
That's not always my wavelength
Increasing is the task today
With friendship and with powerplay

Friday - Day of FRIJA/VENUS

Finally, the day of love arrives
Is this the aim of our lives?
It is a part, so choose and seize!
Be happy like the swans or bees

Saturday - Day of SATURN

I still must learn the art of restraint
Which often comes with some complaint
Giving up is not my way
No matter how hard will be the day

Sunday - Day of the SUN

Finally, I have reached the end
I can rest and celebrate, my friend
The day of light and joy so bright!
I rise, unburdened by any plight
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Lesezeichen für One Week

day, life, week

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