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Alt 17.10.2023, 20:46   #1
weiblich Matrix24
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Ort: München
Beiträge: 24

Standard Dump garbage

Black city with halfdark lights
there are swarming arround wild hordes
i hear the echoe of the gunmachine
and copes gather bullets on the roads.

New york city how will my way end?
I' ve still there a lovely friend
dancing with me the ghost one night
we hit and trash the halfdark light.

Lets swarm and swing
and dive within
into a crystal clear see
hidden next LA
it's so distant and far
but lets escape from the city of war.

With dirty hands a final glow
gets unclean in its leather
and the morbid skin
with the wedding ring
becomes too rough
for that elegant glow
Starring eyes
making suprise
and glimpse that view wise.
But better you lay your hand
on a genial brain
thats in danger to go insane.
blinded with dust untill the end.

Death Valley (California)
The desert is calling
Hot dry and sick
and no rain is falling,
but thunder will speak
Dark sound of the rock,
I really am shocked
My feeds there won' t race
it's a helldamned vasting place.

Hanging in the Hudsonbay (Washington)
A gig' s hanging in the bay
the captain 's trapped in the inside
Feeding it 's little life with fear
and helikopters beyond the sky.
Before the gig may disappear
under the big flood and the captain may die....
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Dump Versard Sonstiges Gedichte und Experimentelles 2 05.03.2015 19:08

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