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Alt 13.10.2023, 00:03   #1
weiblich Matrix24
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Ort: München
Beiträge: 24

Standard Rites of the shroud

The obscure rites of the shroud begin
starting with a solemn evensong.
Bereft of void, ressurection by a dream
while soul becomes flightless and alone.

Solemn incantation nor frenzied evocation
did halt not the souls apostasy-
Like a black shadow with blight creation
there're rising grey lassitude and even ecstasy...

I hate the darkness of that final dream
if wanton masters produce the stuff of sleep
like a scenery of shift emotions may it seem
an endless obscured stage falling in black holes deep.

Veiled in moonwept kisses, sullen and jet bright
the black appearing of a pattern portrait occured.
A royal highness with shining rays of light
injecting the dream with guardian hands obscured.

Elysian fields of strange and holly subjection.
That frenzied dream, enraptured and even blessed
Sadly passes the day with my subtile dejection
Shrouded in elysian shapes i only can find my rest.
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