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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 08.02.2023, 21:04   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard Afraid of failing/falling

Do you ever stand on the edge of a cliff?
Staring down into an abyss of endless possibilities,
Both your feet planted firmly on the ground?
Look! There's your future just a step away
Just take the plunge; catch it and it will stay
Why are you still standing there so stiff?
Look! There's a gust of wind beckoning you to fly
Just forget about the drop and reach new heights
Are you that afraid of falling, that afraid of failing?
My dear I know you think of broken bones and hearts and dreams
But just because they're not dead doesn't mean they're alive
Falling is inevitable, so take it in stride!
Take that step
Do something you can regret
Take my hand and jump
Don't be afraid of failing
Don't be afraid of falling
no more


geschrieben am 25.10.2022 heute wiederentdeckt
LittleBlueDagon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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