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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 08.07.2022, 16:02   #1
weiblich Bellatora
Benutzerbild von Bellatora
Dabei seit: 07/2013
Alter: 28
Beiträge: 22

Standard All together and together alone

Worlds are melting, that's where we start.
17 miles and poles apart,
Where worlds collide and days are dark.
You may have been my ground.
You can take my words,
But I'll always get my Silence sound.

I heard you settled down,
while WE not you are gonna drown.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Silly Sally thought we fought for you.

There's a fire starting in me, in them, in us.
Reaching a fever pitch.
It's burning the roots,
It's burning the grass.

Finally I can see you crystal clear.
Go 'head and swim together
And I'll lay your ship bare.

See how I leave?
As Human not a Toy.
Don't underestimate the thinking things,
My little boy.

Nevermind, I wish you could feel what you say.
"Sometimes it's good to swim together,
But sometimes you're gonna drown anyway."

There's a fire starting in our eyes.
Reaching a fever pitch.
It's burning the roots
And reveals a glimpse of sunrise.

You could have been my ground.
And still, you had my hand in yours
And the other covered my mouth.
A loud silent Scream.

I'll remember you said
"Sometimes it's good to swim together,
But sometimes you're gonna drown instead."

This is the End not the Start anymore.
You broke and I changed.

Let the Worlds melt.
When it drops, We will stand tall
and face it all together again
until we drown and swap away.
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Lesezeichen für All together and together alone

hong kong, mood, protests

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