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Alt 30.01.2022, 21:04   #1
weiblich Jepo4
Dabei seit: 10/2020
Beiträge: 24

Standard Desecration

I didn´t know
what was happening.
I was too young
to understand this thing.
Still I knew
it was wrong.
I knew
it was wrong.

Believing me
was hard for them.
They wouldn´t see
the message I sent.
The breaking point
for an innocent
when all complains
won´t be heard.

Trying to move on
lies and sacrifice
had great control
over my life.
To shame and sorrow
I gave in
since not one
would be listening.

With the years passing by
I was seeking for the light
since darkness had me trapped
in the longest nights.
But another day
on the tracks
I see me fainting
in between the wrecks.

A touch is rejected,
for good I can´t say.
But honestly,
right now I feel this way.
What is love,
will I ever know?
If nobody will see
what´s been stolen from me?

All that´s left now
is a broken soul,
a broken halo,
my mind out of control.
Nothing but hate
and suffer,
forever is cursed
my delight and laughter.

When time stands still
I´m trying to forget
it´s whispering
and hands in my neck.
But I can´t
let go.
I can´t make a point.

A shape of evil
took a lot from me.
it took my safety
and my self-esteem.
Appearing from hell,
so it must be,
it chose my faith
to steel.

On my journey to find
somebody to share
this horror with,
somebody I know can bear,
I receive
back some bit of hope
that in the end I don´t need
to stand alone at the edge of the cliff.

Forbidden words
rise inside of me.
Ain´t supposed
to let go oft he leash.
These words
burn my soul,
the fire will soon
get out of control.

And when the fire
strikes like a hurricane,
that is when
I finally let go of the pain.
And when my body
I won´t forgive nor understand.
That will be my vengeance.
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