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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 24.05.2019, 10:09   #1
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

Standard variety in poetry

C'mon baby
write your day into the sun
tell somebody you smoked a cigarette
never wear a gun!

i am a friend of the common man
he does all he can..

roses bloom always in the love of the wise
dont speak evil lies and if you can, arise!
it beeps here and i have fear
but zeus draws near!

now it's all so much peace and the angels smile
could earthen happiness now last for a while?

i am a peaceful and kind soul
god always makes me whole!

minerva greets my day of the clouds
and i wont have these anger bouts
i had so many doubts!

i am not a bad man
i do what i can!
gelberhund ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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