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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 11.02.2019, 21:28   #1
weiblich diehutmacherin
Benutzerbild von diehutmacherin
Dabei seit: 02/2019
Ort: Graz, Österreich
Beiträge: 7

Standard Will you remember?

Will you remember the blouse that I wore?
Will you remember my smell?
Will you remember the conversation we had?
I still love the stories you tell.

Will you remember the photos we took?
Will you remember my touch?
Will you remember how strong your tears ran?
Just because you laughed so much.

Will you remember the mails that I sent?
Will you remember the food?
Will you remember the joke that I told?
I know it wasn't that good.

Will you remember the hours we spent?
Will you remember the drive?
Will you remember how honest I was?
You know that I hate my life.

Will you remember the way in that I sat?
Will you remember my tears?
Will you remember the moment of joy?
I wanted it to last for years.
diehutmacherin ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13.02.2019, 12:21   #2
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

Standard you smell good

Small is the wisdom that covers us
a god is the driver of this hippie bus
we are the late tear of kingdommy news
and sing in the pop mouth the latest old blues
trump is a trumpet that smells like beer
and in such opamism we taste like a fear
and trouble is prison for various kings
like she be on fire for little bird sings
liberty is a couch in the city of love
and in the corner we hear her swear like a dove
such songs we dont play because devils believe
that girls are like princes who feel every grief
so worlds do not play like the music we hear
and that is the reason for sophia's fear
of the bed like a rose that cannot understand
that boys need their perfume to help every land!
gelberhund ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13.02.2019, 19:36   #3
männlich Ex-Ralfchen
Dabei seit: 10/2009
Alter: 77
Beiträge: 17.302

liebe DHM -

na ja - als jemand der ein jahrzehnt in den usa lebte bringt mich dieser text nicht wirklich in einen climax, hat aber dessen ungeachtet seinen gewissen charme:

Will you remember the blouse I wore?
Will you remember my scent?
Will you remember the conversation we had?
I still love the stories you tell. ????

Will you remember the pictures we took?
Will you remember my touch?
Will you remember how you cried?
Just because you laughed so much.

Will you remember the letters I sent?
Will you remember the meals we enjoyed?
Will you remember the jokes I told?
I know they weren't so good. ??????

Will you remember the hours we spent?
Will you remember the drive?
Will you remember how honest I was?
You know that I hate my life.

Will you remember the way I sat?
Will you remember my tears?
Will you remember the moment of joy?
I wanted it to last for years.

ich sage mal so: das wort WILL tut mir eine wenig ungerechtigkeit zum inhalt ist aber durchaus verwendbar...mangels alternative wie WOULD oder SHALL...welche dem text mehr urgenz geben würden. ich weiß es sollte reimen und mit meinen vorschlägen werfe ich das durcheinander. sry...

Ex-Ralfchen ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Will you remember?

lovesickness, memories, sadness

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