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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 26.12.2018, 11:53   #1
weiblich hi2c3
Dabei seit: 12/2018
Ort: jenseits des großen Sees, zu Hause aber nicht Daheim
Beiträge: 22

Standard You've got a message

I thought it could get our thing.
Sending messages without really sending them. Reblogging and liking things that remind us of us. Just knowing that the other one is thinking about the same thing at the same moment.
Just as it was usual when we were still together.
It would have been romantic to have this kind of relationship. It would have been a sign that there is still a tiny bit of hope in each of us, that we won't forget "us", that we don't think of "us" as a mistake but rather as a good time, invested in a thing that was huge. But if this would have worked, we would have never broken up in the first place.

So don't think you are receiving messages when I am just trying to figure myself out.

Over and out

(I usually wrote this to publish it on tumblr, that's because there are 'reblogging' and 'liking', but the message is the same.)
hi2c3 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 03.01.2019, 18:11   #2
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.487

Standard Tiny bit of hope in each of us

We can be glad that you chose our platform

ganter ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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