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Alt 30.11.2017, 16:18   #1
weiblich Ebony
Benutzerbild von Ebony
Dabei seit: 11/2017
Alter: 25
Beiträge: 28

Standard Apology to nature

When the sun sets sail
and the moon dives deep.
When friends start to bail
and mothers weep.

When dams don't hold the waters
and wars are raging on.
When we lose our brothers
and all our hope is gone.

That's when we realize
that we were the issue,
were never that wise
should not have cut that, that grew.

But now it's too late
for an apology to nature.
So this is our fate,
the consequence of our behavior.

Geändert von Ebony (30.11.2017 um 19:36 Uhr)
Ebony ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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