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Alt 16.07.2014, 16:27   #1
weiblich Eponie21
Dabei seit: 05/2014
Alter: 24
Beiträge: 50

Standard Surrender

Ist leider nur mein Schulenglisch, also verzeiht mir Fehler, korrigieren dürft ihr sie aber gerne

I have given up .
After the Fight.
Because the others was against me.
Because the others are fighting too.
Because of her because she also fights.
And I believed her and I trusted her.
because of me, because i cannot bearing the uncertainty and the knowledge at the same time.
Because of you, because I see as you think?
Now I cry at night into my cushion.
Now I think still more about it.
Whether everything was only one front.
Of you or of me.
Now I hope still more
That you were wrong
Now I hope still more
That you remember me.
Now I see my shadow fall on you.
On the person, who fills the room with sadness because of his music
and the person who can fill the room with laughter again
On him, wish he would stand next to me, but he stands beside her
I see her face.
Overfilled with laughter.
I see his face.
Bright eyes.
I see their shadows.
They meet and cover my Shadow
And nobody hears the cry, the cry
which came never out from my throat
if I see them. Together.
And no man shall see how I suffer.
She would like this.
Oh she is so important, great, clever..
She thinks she would be something better.
Because she cries not at night into her cushion.
I should cry this night the last time.
Because I give up.
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Surrender (englisch) Leavedancer Internationale Gedichte 4 03.04.2008 00:22

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