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Alt 20.05.2014, 12:29   #1
weiblich Rebird
Dabei seit: 05/2011
Ort: wonderland
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 1.462

Standard "Agnus Dei - ?"

t0gym elaf -

T3h 1337 prawnzor °^°

"Oh my god... here she comes... HIDE!"

"Oh, she is not dangerous..."

WHAT DOES "Agnus Dei" MEAN? /

That was the actual question, right?? - OKAY ...

An individual who can communicate with "Unicorns". Meaning that individual is in touch with all things exceptional, unique and magical.

For example, one with exceptional taste and wide knowledge might be considered a unicorn whisperer.

The highest state of pwnage.

There is no example of a unicorn dataset...

See Unicode. This variant is usually used by irate programmers who just can't get the conversion between unicode and non-unicode data types right.

Fuck this unifuckingcode fucking shit!

A new cult which is hoping to cultivate its beginnings in Australia. Follows a communist ...

The Unification Organisation for Collective Ascension made me pay my wages into their treasurer and I feel like I can't escape.

"Oh Shoot! Every war ended because the world has now been unified."

"Yo, world peace through that unification."

"Unification is boss!"

We unidomed until the rainbows came up on a early sunday morning ...

The Lord of all Cheese. One of the cards banned in Duel Monsters, it is perhaps the most hated card in the game ...

This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster!!


The almighty BRO HOOOF!!!

"Ohhh shit stay away!"

...So be nice to the l33t h4x0rs on the interweb, they pwn you. }{aX0r


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

1.: Why?

Luke: To get to the other slide! HAHAHAHA

When someone try's to say something funny or tell a joke and its not funny at all or no one laughs. you say O.Z. also you can say O.Z. to make someone mad even if they did not try to tell a joke.

"""""noone laughs""""
Hey bitch! Oz me!

An expression that means, that you are dancing or feel like dancing;
dancing like an egyptian ..

dangerously awesome; so awesome it has the x-factor squared in its spelling

deep type, usually also into philosophy -
that kid that listens to hardcore music and loves to paint, is so aXc ...

this poem is very aXc ...

"Look at his gun, that sonnombitch is ATAS'd out"
Average Time of Arrival.

Average Time of Arrival.

OT can also mean "original trainer," i.e. the first trainer to catch a Pokémon, making him or her that Pokémon's original trainer.

This something, something like ... ? -

"scaree you man?"
"wha!? ATTACKASA!"

Rebird ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für "Agnus Dei - ?"

dots, unicore

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