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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 07.03.2012, 16:35   #1
Benutzerbild von oasis.
Dabei seit: 11/2005
Beiträge: 764

Standard Absurdity

(ich kann die rufe: und das soll ein gedicht sein? bis hier her hören. ist es nicht unbedingt aber doch. und fremdsprachig. also lieber hier als bei den geschichten. freu mich jedoch über jedes review.)

Some time later I discovered that burning.
I could not resist but had to.
I could not expect my purse to catch fire.

Meet me walking down the road seeking for money
rather than flowers.
Find me watching TV seeking for love. I could not care more
about anything else.

I distinguish between temptation
and passion. Both is what you seek for.
With that look demanding cake and beans
and the absurdity of trying it mixed up
or thrown all over my perfectly done hair.

You expect to find more than grey in me.
A slight blue with
a certain red.
That vaguely reminds me of a certain fruit.
But, no, for sure I waste no thought on
the trousers you wore yesterday,
not the lips that you intend to open only
when telling the difference between flowers
and money which I chose not to understand.

Neither I imagine your favourite blossoms
nor do I find myself scribbeling your name over my purse
with a pen, having nothing in common with a permanent marker.

There is no scenario in which I could possibly think
of what you think of which exact red you might find in me.
No, I don’t sin about your socks either.
I could not care less and I certainly do not find it hard to think
of a fruit of red color.
oasis. ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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