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Alt 15.12.2010, 21:03   #1
weiblich ZerSchmetterlin
Dabei seit: 12/2010
Alter: 35
Beiträge: 4

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Long time ago, my soul was lost in desolation.
My soul was somewhere deep hidden in my body
And it did not find its way out.
A screwed up girl, trying to get along and survive.
I was dishonest to myself, immoral to others.

Yet I did at least one thing right,
I guess it was by chance:
I saw someone who looked just like me:
Someone who pretended.
Pretended to be strong and tough.

Deep in my heart I somehow knew,
I knew that this person was my key.
My key to happiness.

And this person was you.
You showed me what its like to live.
What it feels like to be safe.
You understood me.
You made me want to be myself again.
You showed me heaven.

I had lost my way and you lead me back home.
I began to be real again,
I felt truly fulfilled.

You are my love, my one and only,
The keeper of my heart.

Long time has passed since back then.
And our feelings for each other grew.
But with love also grew bother.
While fighting over nothing,
We learned forgiveness and respect.
Love is easy, staying together is not.

But how could I ever give up on this man, who brought true happiness into my life
And whom I love so much.

I love you,
With every beat of my heart,
Every breath I take
And every single fiber of my being.

Nor harm in the world could ever change that.
For you are my boyfriend, my future husband,
The father of our children and
The best friend I want to grow old with.

You are the love of my life.
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