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Alt 22.04.2021, 10:22   #1
weiblich tove
Dabei seit: 04/2021
Beiträge: 2

Standard now I need a new one

you gave my life meaning and now I need a new one
haven't yet realized that you are now gone
spent half a year with you,
thought it'd be more
but I understand you don't love me anymore
and I know loving me isn't easy
but I thought that you could be the one for me
but I was naive
I always knew you would leave
but the time with you was great
though everything ends and so did our dates
i don't really understand how so rapidly
you could change your mind and stop wanting to be with me
but if you don't love me anymore
i can't keep loving you more
so splitting our paths was how it was supposed to be
and i kinda hope that you do miss me
but if you don't, then thats alright
I couldn't keep you by my side
but the part that is just so gruesome
is you gave my life meaning and now I need a new one
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Lesezeichen für now I need a new one

love; heartbreak

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