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Alt 29.03.2007, 06:41   #1
Dabei seit: 03/2007
Beiträge: 16

Standard Victorian Ladies

There is a house in England
Where all the pretty ladies go
To drink their tea and play croquet
And do all the silly things a lady does

Their hair, so beautiful silken black
And lips so red like blood
Their eyes gaze dreamily on one
Their skin so white like snow

They dress so pretty and nice
Jewelled gowns and laced tiaras
The pearls hang about their necks
Swaying to-and-fro as they dance

The harpsichord's singing again
Moaning of long lost lovers
Forgotten dreams and broken hearts
Singing again, singing again

There is a house in England
Where all the pretty ladies go
But they never come back
They never, ever come back

Porcelain dolls - don't you ever wonder
What these fragile things are made of?
Fairy dust, that's all that it needs
To turn a Victorian lady into a doll

Laces and frills, hypocrites that hide in them
Ribbons and pearls, croissants and tea
That's all that it needs to turn her into
A very very pretty doll

And they dance again, waltz again
Don't even care about their early deaths
They just want to dance about, sing about
Just do anything they can do

Like a butterfly, drying out in the rain
And its pretty wings flutter,
All the colour's drained
And the blood flows into the earth
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