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Alt 30.08.2015, 10:08   #1
weiblich NadineFaith
Benutzerbild von NadineFaith
Dabei seit: 08/2015
Ort: Köln
Alter: 33
Beiträge: 10

Standard Entity

A white light encases me
warm and almost tangible.
A barely seen mist
but yet a colourful veil
seizes my innermost.
It let’s me inhale
all the beauty that surrounds me
and the dazzle that is you.


Green sceneries as wide as infinity
and rivers that brim over with cold water
appear right in front of me.
They reveal to me
that there’s so much more than reality.


From afar I sense a voice
that holds an unfamiliar lenity.
I follow the sound
and carry my naked feet through the soft green grass.


Buttercups and bumblebees
all around that yellow vision.
I feel a harmony
even simultaneously distrust…
but yet no contradictory.


Gentle shivers charm me
as I get closer to that voice.
And this tangible light
increases my soul
soothes my reservation.
I know I do belong here.


I carry on and scenery changes
into tales of ice and snow.
My body doesn’t feel warm
nor do I freeze.
It doesn’t even appear to be curious.


I am nearly there,
closer to the sound of violins
that this voice holds.
And I see outlines
dark but soft
and wrapped in silver gleam
it must be an angel.


A white-headed bald eagle follows me
for the last few strides.
Setting it’s scream free into the wind
I know I have arrived.


That stranger
that isn’t alien to me
caughts my eyes.
I return the look
and catch a glimpse of his smile.
But that colour in his eyes dazzles me completely…
He is magnificent
he is fair and beautiful.


He says to me
‚you are home, finally
I have waited for you for a long time.‘
I turn my senses away
from his bright aura and ask
‚where am I?
is this heaven?‘
He smiles gently
a smile that reveals his majesty.


A gentle shiver salutes me again
but now it’s different
now it’s familiar
it’s right.


I slowly reach out
laying my hand in his hand
and the ice and snow melts instantly
as the warmth of the sun closes in.
He nods as he comes closer
and I sense his breath
as he whispers into my ear
‚This is unspoiled beauty
no heaven and no phenomena
but only your pure heart.‘


And a white light encases me again
warm and tangible.
And a colourful veil
seizes my innermost.
It let’s me inhale
all the beauty that surrounds me
and the dazzle that is him.
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