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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 10.11.2009, 20:12   #1
weiblich Rollce
Benutzerbild von Rollce
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Ort: Bonn
Beiträge: 228

Standard a rose in my hand

I am caring this rose from land to land,
the thorns very often pricket in my hand.
People were trying to tear it away
and I lost a few leaf's at the champs-elysees.
Countries, people and years went by
without that I ever could see a sign.
That sign, the told me in another life -
you will recognize as a diamond in a pair of eyes.
But how can I see this diamond I ask,
when people are behind a masquerade?
And how can I carry this roses on
when I do not know, to whom it belongs.
One day I have seen a split of a diamond,
but this eyes has been very blinded.
They were not able to see my flower -
so the split of the diamond had not so much power.
I had a brighter light in my mind,
they didn't tell me, it would be that fine.
Shut up they told me from above,
take the thorns from your flower of,
so that he can hold your rose,
close enough to his nose!
Well, well, well, don't you guys know,
he also can not smell!

Geändert von Rollce (10.11.2009 um 20:33 Uhr) Grund: a rose in my hand
Rollce ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 10.11.2009, 21:58   #2
männlich Phobipp
Benutzerbild von Phobipp
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Ort: Hinter den Spiegeln
Alter: 38
Beiträge: 449

Ich spreche Englisch nicht fließend, aber ein paar Fehler sind mir hier schon aufgefallen:

I am carrying this rose from land to land,
the thorns very often pricked (in) my hand.
People were trying to tear it away
and I lost a few leaves at the Champs-Élysées.
Countries, people and years went by
without being able to ever see a sign.
That sign that told me in another life -
you will recognize as a diamond in a pair of eyes.
But how can I see this diamond I wonder,
when people are behind a masquerade?
And how can I carry on this rose
when I do not know, to whom it belongs.
One day I have seen a split of a diamond,
but theses eyes have been very blinded.
They were not able to see my flower -
so the split of the diamond had not so much power.
I had a brighter light in my mind,
they didn't tell me, it would be that fine.
"Shut up!", they told me from above,
take the thorns off of your flower,
so that he can hold your rose,
close enough to his nose!
Well, well, well, don't you guys know,
he also cannot smell!

Ohne Gewähr.
Phobipp ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 11.11.2009, 19:29   #3
weiblich Rollce
Benutzerbild von Rollce
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Ort: Bonn
Beiträge: 228

Standard entdeckte Fehler


vielen Dank!!!!
Da hat mein Spellingmaschinchen oder ich aber geschlafen.
Jetzt muß ich nur noch rausfinden, wie man das hier im Forum verbessern kann, nach dem es schon submitted wurde.

Rollce ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 11.11.2009, 19:56   #4
weiblich Rollce
Benutzerbild von Rollce
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Ort: Bonn
Beiträge: 228

Standard a rose in my hand

Zitat von Rollce Beitrag anzeigen
I am carrying this rose from land to land,
the thorns very often pricked in my hand.
People were trying to tear it away
and I lost a few leaves at the Champs-Elysees.
Countries, people and years went by
without being able to see a sign.
That sign, they told me in another life -
you will recognize as a diamond in a pair of eyes.
But how can I see this diamond I ask,
when people are behind a masquerade?
And how can I carry this roses on
when I do not know, to whom it belongs.
One day I have seen a split of a diamond,
but those eyes has been very blinded.
They were not able to see my flower -
so the split of the diamond had not so much power.
I had a brighter light in my mind,
they didn't tell me, it would be that fine.
"Shut up" they told me from above,
take the thorns from your flower of,
so that he can hold your rose,
close enough to his nose!
Well, well, well, don't you guys know,
he also could not smell!

Geändert von Rollce (11.11.2009 um 20:02 Uhr) Grund: Fehlerbeseitigung
Rollce ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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