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Liebe, Romantik und Leidenschaft Gedichte über Liebe, Herzschmerz, Sehnsucht und Leidenschaft.

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Alt 15.02.2009, 14:59   #1
Dabei seit: 02/2009
Beiträge: 2

Standard Searching for the words

Slowly the hours run away.[/CENTER]I'm sitting here for a whole day[/CENTER]Searching for some words I could write,[/CENTER]But I find nothing that seems right.

[/CENTER]Terms raped in the name of art[/CENTER]Lost their sense, pushed feels apart.[/CENTER]Empty past are stars, moon and rain.[/CENTER]I just don't know how to explain.

[/CENTER]Faithfull pen betray, go on strike.[/CENTER]I've never felt so helpless-like.[/CENTER]Going under in the black night,[/CENTER]I follow a bright tender light.

[/CENTER]Someone lends me wings, lift me high,[/CENTER]Carries me up into the sky
[/CENTER]Passing moon and stars, gliding to[/CENTER]Someplace, where love stills pure and true.

[/CENTER]Selfconfident you take my hand[/CENTER]You'll stand by my side till the end.[/CENTER]For all that you are and you do
[/CENTER]I'm sure, that I'll for always love you.

[/CENTER]You took me out of loneliness[/CENTER]Your smile fill in the emptiness[/CENTER]You trust me, keeps me safe and warm.[/CENTER]Nothing can stop this wild lovestorm.

[/CENTER]Sunrise wakes me up there and then.[/CENTER]It draws me again to my pen.[/CENTER]Unnoticed the dumb in the world,[/CENTER]I am still searching for the words.[/CENTER]
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