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Alt 20.02.2021, 15:14   #1
weiblich Antoinette Fourie
Dabei seit: 02/2021
Ort: Zurich
Beiträge: 16

Standard Selfworth


Our perfect imperfections see the sufferings on Earth
We ponder on our weaknesses and what we're really worth
Longing for our souls to be restored, we wait each day
Praying to our Father God to take the pain away

It's hard to see the miracles when tragedy calls home
When you feel lonely and forgotten, waiting by the phone
It's hard when you still can't forget the words that pierced your heart
Desiring true unity when all seem far apart

I used to search in every corner hoping to find love
Often disappointed, thinking life is far too tough
I've walked a thousand miles and read a thousand books so far
I've tried expensive oils to heal that one huge, painful scar

Are we here to receive and wait for others to be good
Do we judge oh so harshly thinking we have understood
We claim to know the truth but then our hearts turn into stone
Such high expectations when we claim the highest throne

Humble heart that's filled with grace, a gentle spirit calls
To drop all our defenses and break down those hurtful walls
We needn't be so prideful thinking we are always right
Lying sleepless on our beds rehearsing every single fight

According to our faith the Bible says it will be done
Regardless if we sleep or walk and even when we run
So please be mindful of your thoughts and things you greatly fear
They never come back empty as you call them to come near

Look around you fragile soul and choose to walk in light
Please don't dim your shining splendour trying to be right
The wisdom and protection that you need will grow on grace
and great will be the harvest in the most desolated place

Are you your own best friend and do you honor who you are
Do you write down all your blessings and praise God for every star
Without this gratitude you simply cannot see His glory
Without unconditional love no happy ending to your story

You read these lines and maybe think that talk can be so cheap
You've practised very hard and you still know best how to weep
You cannot try to be love, no you ARE love or you're not
So start with what you have and stop to count what you have not

Today again there are so many reasons to rejoice
Every step you take will in the end be your own choice
A stunning transformation leaving bitterness behind
Lovely one you're beautiful no go and love you'll find
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selfworth gratitude

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