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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 19.12.2017, 22:55   #1
weiblich Ebony
Benutzerbild von Ebony
Dabei seit: 11/2017
Alter: 25
Beiträge: 28

Standard Time to go

When the lightd go out,
it's time to go
but we're still so loud
here with the flow.

Far we're apart
from all other things.
But we have our hearts
bound with these strings.

Long were we here
don't want to leave.
But now you can hear
the bells, I believe.

In the darkness of night
you take my hand.
You hold it so tight
as we're leaving the sand.

The shore waves goodbye
as the sun rises up.
The seagulls first cry
seals our last cup.

So we make our way
off from this place.
This ain't our last day
and that we embrace.
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