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Alt 10.01.2012, 19:35   #1
männlich DerThalheim
Dabei seit: 07/2007
Ort: Graz
Alter: 37
Beiträge: 84

Standard Shores of oblivion

A text I wrote for one of our songs. So every verse belongs to one passage different from the others with respect to the music. But maybe the message/meaning can be transmitted nevertheless.

Shores of Oblivion

I stood atop a little hill
On my way back home
The sylvan lands seemed to stand still
Scent-immersed by plants abloom

And felt, however, a certain doom
Obscuring my most earnest endeavour

During my long lasting peregrination
Through the vastness of our world
Aside the pulse of time, I almost blocked out
The root of my urge to escapism

Darkness soon enshrouded the surroundings
As I went across the final dividing crest
When I felt sorrow swelling in my chest
Like I had already inmost divined
The soon approaching dreadful wings
(Of truth)

“What dost thou do to me?
Oh, rememberance, how couldst thou be
So viperish?”

A shudder-provoking tepid wind
Brought CDPilessly again into mind
Wherefore I left this overcrowded place
That once I referred to as “home”

“Tell me, why do I return to thee,
Into thy illness-stained realm?
Thou art the epitome
Of the modern times
The pennant of frantic stagnancy!

And what doth see my eye
When the last veils are vanished?

Nothing has changed!
The same old deadlocked trails of thoughts
Still forced by world-estranged power
Construct the street canyons of life
And blurred by glimmering neon light
Is almost every essential foresight

Thy blossoms of once proclaimed liberty!
Thy pretence on human supremacy!
The once ignited wick of a new era to come!
My haven called repression!“
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