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Alt 23.08.2021, 22:52   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard So lovely

Who needs a thing so fickle
Can’t imagine it myself
Ending up in such a pickle
I must think of my own health

A racing heart at a time like this
Surely it’s a stroke
On my lips still the scorch of a kiss
It’s the fire in the room full of smoke

Burn my cheeks with fever
Need her warmth still in this cold
My mind just won’t get clearer
Want more than her hand to hold

Wait just a second for me
She stands up and goes
Need to get on my feet
Can’t be alone with my woes

“Catch me if u can!”
But I just sit there in my haze
My breathing more of a pant
She turns the corner in the maze

I shoot up from the pain
Can’t make it go away
Must follow this girl and her shine
Let my mind keep me a stray

Run, stumble, fall
To the bottom of the sea
Only hear a distant call
And the sun suddenly shines clear

Now in her arms once again
Do I burn her softly
Feels so good it must be a sin
This girl in my arms is so, so lovely

- LittleBlueDragon
LittleBlueDagon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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