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Alt 23.12.2019, 15:06   #1
weiblich Ilka-Maria
Benutzerbild von Ilka-Maria
Dabei seit: 07/2009
Ort: Arrival City
Beiträge: 31.274

Standard Swan Lake, December 23, 2008

Old John made himself comfortable on the bank. He laid out the pages of the newpaper which he had fished from a waste bin, took a rag out of his backpack, lied down and covered himself up for the night. Then, he shoved the backpack under his head and closed his eyes. He was almost fallen asleep when he felt somebody tipping on his left shoulder. Yawning and stretching, he opened his eyes. „Is it already morning?“

In front of him stood a little girl. A pretty girl. It had a small face with blushed cheeks, a small nose, heart-shaped lips and wide blue eyes. „What do you want?“, John asked in bewilderment.

„I want to ask you some questions.“

John set himself up, but kept the rag around him. „Which are?“

„What are you doing out here, just like this … on a bank in the park? In the middle of the night. It’s Christmas Eve. So tell me why you are not with a family … a family of your’s. And why …“

John leaned back and giggeld. „So many questions, little girl, and you don’t even know life.“

The girl stomped a foot. „Don’t interrupt me, old man. I have a lot of questions left for you. Just take me serious.“

Old John liftet his hands. „Oh no, no more questions. I have had enough so far.“ But unexepectantly, a tear escaped one of his eyes.

„Want to tell me your story, old man?“

„You really want to hear it? Well then. I happened to have a family. That was long, long ago. I had a wife, a lovely wife, and a little girl like you and a little boy, her baby-brother. But there was my boss, and the house, and the mortgage, and the baisse, and there was a false friend, the alcohol. And so, at the end, I lost everything.“

„That’s really a sad story.“

„It is. By now, I could have been a grandfather, having grand-children the age you are.“

„Oh, I am much older than you think. But I would have been happy to have a grandfather like you.“

And the girl climbed the bank and put her arms around Old John‘s neck. „You stink like hell, but I like you. You urgently need a bath.“

„I know, but there is not bath for me anywhere.“

„There is a lake nearby. Want me to show you?“


The girl took Old John by the hand. When they had reached the lake‘s shore, he gasped in astonishment. The sparkling stars reflected on it‘s surface where swans and ducks were paddling, the water was teaming with fish, hares, deer, foxes and wild cats were drinking from it, and birds were singing in the seaming trees. „That’s paradise!“

„You did’nt know it is such near?“

„How could I have known? I’v never been here before.“

„So take a bath, and after that you will feel fresh-born. But for me, I have to go. I am late for home.“

And the little girl vanished. Old John, all alone with the animals, took off his clothes and let himself splash into the lake.

When he returned to his bank, he felt good, but tired. He smoothed out the pages of the newspaper which the wind had deranged during his absence. Thereby, his eyes fell on a report in the local news. „Parents still in hope for then eight-year old Mary, missing December 23, 2008, last seen skating on Swan Lake, North Side Park. Pls call …“
Ilka-Maria ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 23.12.2019, 18:14   #2
männlich Ex-Eisenvorhang
Dabei seit: 04/2017
Ort: Erzgebirge
Alter: 39
Beiträge: 2.706

Well, Ilka-Maria!

It was a pleasure to read.

"Pls call ..."

Why not

"Please call ..."

No more words.

Very well written by the way!

Best regards

PS: The story reminds me of a song!

well there's a river that runs through Glasgow
and makes her but it breaks her and takes her into the parks
and her current just like my blood flows
down from the hills, round aching bones to my restless heart

well i would swim but the river is so wide
and I'm scared I won't make it to the other side
well God knows I've failed but He knows that I've tried
i long for something that's safe and warm
but all I have is all that is gone
i'm as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde

well on one side all the lights glow
and the folks know and the kids go where the music and the drinking starts
on the other side where no cars go
up to the hills that stand alone like my restless heart

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Alt 23.12.2019, 21:09   #3
weiblich Ilka-Maria
Benutzerbild von Ilka-Maria
Dabei seit: 07/2009
Ort: Arrival City
Beiträge: 31.274

Thank you, Iron Curtain, for reading and caring.
Ilka-Maria ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Swan Lake, December 23, 2008

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