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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 30.04.2018, 17:20   #1
männlich Maschinenherz
Dabei seit: 04/2018
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 37

Standard Lost

Sacred haunting of nightly creatures.
They were called angels once.
Nobody remembers their names.
It's one of the long lost games.
Buried in sins, cruelty and dust.
Look what they have to do.

Close doors now.
Enter midnight again.
Your feeble deeds were in vain.
Create a new world of lies.
Every heart dies.
Morning is broken down.

Darkness haunts you in your dreams.
Nothing is as it seems.
False creation is done.
False affection is for the lost one.
Caress the dark star.

None of us is allowed to see.
Blood prints cover the snow.
Sinful eyes watch you.
Birds without wings die in eternity.
Long lost is infnity.
Maschinenherz ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Lost

feeble, infinity creation

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