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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 03.08.2017, 09:54   #1
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.487

Standard My home is my castle

Hiding Place

Flats like honeycomb nests
an apartment house opposite
Comforting idea, there are
people like you and me

I don`t see anyone but feel
their aura through the walls
Behind these bright big walls
living human like you and me

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Alt 05.08.2017, 11:09   #2
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.487

Standard Home

Flats like honeycomb nests
an apartment house opposite
Comforting idea there are
people like you and me

I don`t see anyone but feel
their aura through the walls
Behind these bright big walls
living human like you and me

The evening spread out
his blanket of grey clouds
I hope for all the people there
they will find the rest they need

ganter ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 06.08.2017, 17:23   #3
männlich Gemini
Dabei seit: 05/2006
Alter: 51
Beiträge: 1.296

Its English your mother tongue, looks like.
But take speed out of the text.

Flats like honeycomb nests, an apartment house opposite-
Comforting idea, there are people, like you and me

I don`t see anyone but feel - their aura through the walls
Behind these bright big walls, living human(s)! like you and me

The evening spread out his blanket of grey clouds-
I hope for all the people there, they will find the rest-
they need

Gemini ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 06.08.2017, 20:38   #4
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.487

Standard My old Canadian Time

Dear Gemini,

many thanks for your valuable hints!

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Alt 06.08.2017, 20:42   #5
männlich Gemini
Dabei seit: 05/2006
Alter: 51
Beiträge: 1.296

I might have some more, but the english metric is difficult. But anyway, i like your poem.

Gemini ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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