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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 28.07.2014, 19:29   #1
Dabei seit: 08/2009
Alter: 31
Beiträge: 32

Standard The seeker

The seeker

Starting from his pain
He began to question
Why is it that life is the way it is
There was nobody to answer
No figure to look up to
So he went to the library to find out more about this
The books were thick, the language was strange
But still all he knew was that pain does hurt
Disappointed again he went back home
with a feeling that didn’t fit to a word

Language and words
Seemed to be the key
To get access to the explanations of the world
He read prose and poetry
They found a way into his blood
And made it hotter and made it whirl
The stories were entertaining, the poems were mysterious
But all that they caused was a dependency
So he quit reading, knowing knowledge was not going
To explain the constant misery

At night he lay crying
He didn’t know why
Maybe it’s just a symptom of being alive
He started humming
To the thoughts in his head
His body was in contact with his mind
And the moon and the stars felt as close
As they weren’t shining above the earth but above him
His loneliness descended into a wisdom
Though for him it was still just tears on his skin

The years went on
His humming became singing
his voice became stronger and more meaning too
His questions were still
The same after all
And the answers were still useless or not knew
But when he sang, he didn’t care
If there’s ever gonna be an answer at all
And the crying became easier and the pain became sweeter
And they made him standing twice as tall
Alive93 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 29.07.2014, 14:07   #2
männlich UdoFrentzen
Benutzerbild von UdoFrentzen
Dabei seit: 05/2008
Ort: Köln
Alter: 76
Beiträge: 247

And the answers were still useless or not knew
Please check for meaning and spelling

LG Udo
UdoFrentzen ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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