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Alt 10.09.2011, 18:36   #1
Dabei seit: 09/2011
Alter: 32
Beiträge: 3

Standard Maturity

Confidence without being cocky
Pride without any arrogance,
Success without being lucky
Determined without having a narrow stance.

Leading by example, practicing what is preached
constantly used as a sample and that's how the masses get reached

Freedom without losing Focus, powerfull but never corrupted
Magic without Hocus Pocus, calm but never interrupted
Prevailing where others fail, fired when others tire
Entity who others trail, representing what others admire.

Blowing wind in your own sail, fulfilling your own desires
colourful, making the world look pale and steadily rising higher.

Peaceful, but ready to fight for wrath, Love, but never obsessive
Humble, but ready to light the path, Routine, but never regressive

Cleaning you of your impurity,
Meaning within the obscurity

PoetMoe ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26.12.2011, 22:27   #2
weiblich neosildrake
Dabei seit: 12/2011
Ort: Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Alter: 50
Beiträge: 14

Well, that's how we all want to be and none of us is. At least no one that I know, no matter the age.
However, this inspired me to a partially funny poem myself.
The title is "So you want to be a Jedi".
It's because if I could put down a one word definition other than maturity (which is a rather obscure concept in my mind), it would be Jedi.
neosildrake ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.12.2011, 12:39   #3
Dabei seit: 09/2011
Alter: 32
Beiträge: 3

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Well, that's how we all want to be and none of us is. At least no one that I know, no matter the age.
However, this inspired me to a partially funny poem myself.
The title is "So you want to be a Jedi".
It's because if I could put down a one word definition other than maturity (which is a rather obscure concept in my mind), it would be Jedi.
yea, that's why anyone claiming to be mature is a straight up lier
and i agree maturity is a pretty obscure (and also way broader) concept than most people make it out to be. I guess that was the point of my poem to begin with.. It's beginners work, obviously, and i'm not terribly proud of it, but if it inspired you to create something, then it must have been powerful in some kind of way nevertheless.
Did you upload yours, so i might check it out? i would just look myself but i'm on my phone and it would be a lot of trouble..
PoetMoe ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.12.2011, 13:28   #4
weiblich neosildrake
Dabei seit: 12/2011
Ort: Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Alter: 50
Beiträge: 14

Zitat von PoetMoe Beitrag anzeigen
yea, that's why anyone claiming to be mature is a straight up lier
and i agree maturity is a pretty obscure (and also way broader) concept than most people make it out to be. I guess that was the point of my poem to begin with.. It's beginners work, obviously, and i'm not terribly proud of it, but if it inspired you to create something, then it must have been powerful in some kind of way nevertheless.
Did you upload yours, so i might check it out? i would just look myself but i'm on my phone and it would be a lot of trouble..
Yeah, well. One of my favourite quotes is: "The only thing that truely comes with age are wrinkles."

And yes, I did upload the poem.
I'm new too and haven't written anything like that before.
neosildrake ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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