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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 09.10.2022, 12:52   #1
weiblich Jepo4
Dabei seit: 10/2020
Beiträge: 24

Standard Pigeon

I saw a light over there.
And a rainbow everywhere.
I lived 77 years
free from fear.
I remember walking streets
on rainy days and scorching heat.
Also I remember
praying just whenever
I wanted to and never
to anyone it mattered.
I remember hugging out
differences in a parking lot.
I still know the laughter
I burst into after
we got drunk on fun in puplic,
when we were stealing leek and garlic
from a neighbour’s garden but
we were kids and never charged.
I still know how
the driver jumped out
the bus in a hurry
to pull the ramp and then he
pushed the man inside.
He thanked him with a smile.
I saw so many birds
and every day I heard
their enchanting voice
singing not one verse
of words from underneath
the source of my believe.
So tempted I have never been
to think about where I would be
if 77 years back
a pigeon wouldn’t have
risen above all the wrecks
where so many life’s of innocents
found their bittersweet end.
I wish I could pretend,
believe this pigeon will forever
fly over this peaceful river.
And the waves we see approaching
will fade if we keep hoping,
spreading love unconditionally
for not just those in need
but every single soul
on this planet called our home.
Yes, I remember
how never we did ever
need to live by lies
just to stay alive.
I remember how at school
we were asked to
shout out loud
the things we thought about.
Even we were talking wrong
the law and were allowed to hold on
to opinions of our very own.
But after all,
the waves,
they grow.
I don’t want to but I know,
one only wish won’t do.
But I wish once more
a pigeon will fly by again.
Jepo4 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 10.10.2022, 14:37   #2
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.493

Hello Jepo4,

Wishes, doves, memories,
You've mixed it all up nicely.

Happy greetings
ganter ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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