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Alt 10.01.2024, 09:15   #1
männlich Anaximandala
Benutzerbild von Anaximandala
Dabei seit: 05/2021
Ort: Zu Hause
Beiträge: 1.217

Standard The Halls of the Dwarfs

The dwarfs they were digging for thousends of years
and hollowed the mountains for growing the halls
a being of ever expanding frontiers
and treasures in chambers with marmoreal walls

When humans were animals just in the wild
the world was encovered in ice and in snow
with magical entities living, so piled
the halls were already for cent'ries in grow

And marmoreal chambers with gold were so wide
like oceans, were glistering golden and pure
awaking the dragons with hunger for pride
the dwarfs they were burning therefor in obscure.

they fighted for everything, died in the flames
they rised in the mountains their empire's heart
the dragons, a force that appears and it claims
just everything, takes it, atrocious compart.

And soon just the mem'ry of dragons remained
they stayed in the mountains, were boundet in greed
the humans could rise, were no longer in faint
the vanishing dragons they planted the seed

We live in a world full of monopolcrimes
like dragons the bilionaires hunt for the worth
for us, its the ending of easier times
the monsters awake and they rise from the earth

in storms full of thunder and quakes in the ground
for thousends of years they were sleeping, now morphes
just everything, treasures, so big solved the bound
we'll see them familiar, the halls of the dwarfs.
Anaximandala ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15.01.2024, 19:26   #2
männlich Anaximandala
Benutzerbild von Anaximandala
Dabei seit: 05/2021
Ort: Zu Hause
Beiträge: 1.217

Standard Part II

As mankind, we have in the cultural clash,
in battles of concerns, disgraced our earth.
The signs of abundance are injuries, gash
on Gaia, we wasted her force, stole her worth.

Cause once she protected her children so strong,
created for animals, plants, harmony.
But she was so pride, she was blinded and wrong
to raise the awareness in humatity.

We grew intellectual, she loved us so much,
decided to rest while the mankind evolved,
not knowing, the greatness will give us a touch
of hubris, we stole from the mother, dissolved

the bounds with the nature, we sink in the bleak,
are burning in flames of the dragons, she cries
cause she is so helpess, impotant and weak.
The halls of the dwarfs, we are falling, they rise.
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