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Alt 21.08.2018, 19:18   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard Won't you tell me

Won’t you tell me

I see you almost everyday
But I can’t find anything to say
I feel like I’m just wasting your time
So won’t you tell me that it’s fine

When I ask you to go out
My mind feels like it’s stuck high up in a cloud
But even though you’re busy again
won’t you tell me that you can explain

I’m always afraid texting you
But every time you write me too
I can’t help falling for you
So won’t you tell me that you like me too

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Lesezeichen für Won't you tell me

ängstlich, nervös, verliebt

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