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Alt 07.11.2009, 13:33   #1
männlich moon
Benutzerbild von moon
Dabei seit: 09/2009
Ort: im All
Alter: 39
Beiträge: 362

Standard violent silence

spoken words
are bleeding
lying naked
in front of you

trying to take
a last breath
silently trembling
before they die
moon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 07.11.2009, 19:41   #2
weiblich IsabelG
Benutzerbild von IsabelG
Dabei seit: 10/2008
Ort: eschwege
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 533

Hi moon,

I`ll answere in english so I won`t ge confused between both languages.

The way you write in english really takes my breath away The wohle poem ist so short but so full of meaning, ist incredible.

For me the wohle Poem reads like a farewell, those last words someone speaks to a loved person before the silence takes hold. It`s a violent silence indeed, I just have to imagine lovers that break up and at the end there is nothing more to say. Even silence can then ring in ones ears and sound violent.

But I do have something to crit. upon

I would have written it like this. It`s just the form, so don`t worry it`s nothing drastic

violent silence

spoken words are bleeding
lying naked in front of you

trying to take a last breath
silently trembling before they die

I think it reads better this way because I somehow stumbled while reading over it the way you wrote und it seemed a bit ripped apart.

Very nice moon! I liked it

IsabelG ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 07.11.2009, 22:19   #3
weiblich Ilka-Maria
Benutzerbild von Ilka-Maria
Dabei seit: 07/2009
Ort: Arrival City
Beiträge: 31.257

Just one word: GOOD!

Ilka-Maria ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 08.11.2009, 00:26   #4
männlich moon
Benutzerbild von moon
Dabei seit: 09/2009
Ort: im All
Alter: 39
Beiträge: 362

Hi Isa!

Thank you for your words!
Honestly, to hear that from a native speaker is the best compliment. It´s not that simple to find the right words in a different language, even in your native tongue. Your association of a farewell scene truly is one way to take it.

Concerning the form you´re absolutely right. It supposed to be a 4-term poem, but by the reason of something irrational in my brain I changed it. Don´t know why, really. But I´d propose for those, who don´t like the form, to read your version. That´s the easiest way, isn´t it. Thanks again for reading this short one!

Hi Ilka-Maria!

Thanks to you as well. Sometimes one word can say so much.

moon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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