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Alt 22.07.2020, 15:45   #1
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

Standard him and himucho

the angel called mike moik
came from austria
and he sang sang sang
a little cup of beer and wine
---swam down the rhine a kohlian friend
rhyming rhymes! happy 'til the end
leader of a western cowboy band
a rocking chair so heavensent--
belled a dog from a charme
felt lousy spirit juice and gotterbarm
honey no win in such spirit love
gracious lost in a dove
---so drowsy tonight my saxophone
happy? delight in my room
help my female wisdom soon
and catch the witchy art of tidy---
helped that angel fly or cry?
held my hand of nomore beeping rose?
felt you ask my whisper warum!!!
you were so tired and mute
---so a killer in the delight aftereight?
no more being my chess and bedly mate?
couldn't bring the angel kiss and tell?
tomorrow already gone and well?---
felt my little angel sudden king
pupils united in a song i never sing
he worded just a story, railway mate
until the force of love comes done and late!
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