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Alt 17.03.2018, 13:47   #1
weiblich Colorednote
Benutzerbild von Colorednote
Dabei seit: 12/2017
Alter: 24
Beiträge: 7

Standard Spacerail

Swimming with satellites
Paint the roses in pure white
Floating in the deep sea as in space
The sun's rays shine on the water surface
And I feel so free
As free as I've never felt before

Those narrow blue eyes that touch me constantly
Or those lips that promise me the words so gently
As my body moves excitedly to the beat of the music
Oh, those voices in my head are singing classics.
Oh, no no.

Not for what I've done or what I will become.
But for making my aching heart beat so unwelcome.
Like a wave, you are crashing over me
And the tide can't save me anymore
It's hard for me to reach the plaice of reason
For a long time it has been a dry season

Swimming with satellites
Paint the roses in pure white
Floating in the great sea as in space
The sun's rays shine on the surface of the water
And I feel so free
As free as I've never felt before

That thin shadow that's veiling around me
Or those blond streaks looking like an angel so lovely
As my body moves excitedly to the beat of the music
Oh, those voices in my head are singing classics.
Oh, no no.

It's like being underwater trying not to drown
So many moonlight pictures and they won't go out
The harder I fight, the deeper I sink.
Falling from the highest tower in my mind
The parachute is already tense, the wings spread wide
You keep running instead of staying by my side.

Swimming with satellites
Paint the roses in pure white
Floating in the great sea as in space
The sun's rays shine on the surface of the water
And I feel so free
As free as I've never felt before

Oh, no no no.
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